Monday, February 22, 2016

Eyes in the Sky: What to Film with Drones

Look! Up in the sky! It’s a bird? It’s a plane? No, it’s a drone!

Some people fly drones as a recreational activity while a considerable number of individuals use drones to capture various interesting events. Here are a few activities you can film with your drone. Do all these and you will know how it feels to have eyes in the sky.

Keeping Up With Athletes

The problem with traditional video cameras is that they cannot keep up with the action. This is where drones come in. Drones can capture sporting events from the highest point possible without decreasing the image quality. ESPN, X Games, and the Olympics have been using drones to capture fast moving actions in large fields from different and high angles. Jumping, triathlons, biking, swimming, and all other sporting events can be seen with utmost clarity using drones.

All Droned Up at Events

You can also use drones in filming parties such as birthdays, weddings, and anniversaries. Drones can capture scenes at certain vantage points which ordinary video cameras cannot shoot. Showing the fantastic location and scenery adds more excitement and makes the event more special than it should have been. On your next event, try flying one of your drones and see how things would turn out.

 Visiting Places with Drones

Capturing the picture of an entire property, be it a resort, hotel, or a home for sale, is not easy. With drones, however, an aerial view of the metes and bounds of a property can be taken without much hassle. Moreover, showing prospective clients of the entire location would mean they will see what they will get upfront. Besides, an aerial video is a more creative form of advertising.

 In the Deep Blue Sea

Yes, there are drones which can accompany you in your next dive. Drones designed like submarines, unlike aerial drones, can get wet and go as deep as 100 meters. You can explore shipwrecks, and marine ecosystems using this kind of drone.

Drones Help Guard the Environment

Does a factory near your home produce dark steam? Use your drone to film what they are doing to the environment. This is what Wildlife Conservation Society has done. It trained operators from the Fisheries Department in using drones to track illegal fishers. Other environment-related departments do the same to track illegal logging and dumping of harmful substances in rivers and lakes. You can do the same. Volunteer to protect the environment in your community using drones.

Guidelines in Using Drones to Film Activities

Congratulations are in order if you have finally decided what activities to capture with your drone. However, you cannot just jump in to an event and let your little gadget fly. You have to ascertain a few things.

1.    First, you must verify with the venue if drones are allowed. Especially in sports events, a permission and clearance are required before flying a drone.

2.    Second, keep in mind the FAA guideline on flying drones. Never fly beyond 400 feet from the ground and in no-flying zones.  Also, once you get your drone registered, get the these customer FAA drone number stickers.

3.    Third, be careful when flying drones in crowded places such as parties and sports events. Make sure that you are responsible enough when things go wrong. 

Whether you are a pro or an amateur, Space City Drones makes available different types of drones that you can use for your next film project. Check out our products today!

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